Saturday, January 28, 2017

What exactly happens when we die?  Do we really know? Many of us assume we do , we have all been fed ideas and scenarios .. been told what to think. Heaven , the bright white light...
The not knowing deep down is what  scares many of us. We have some faith and we hope we are right... but can we be sure?! Certainty is something I cannot offer and no one can... they don't even know if eggs are good or bad for us yet after all these years.. I have no faith in man telling me "This is it " point blank...
This type of word salad rolls around in my head rotting from one ear drum onto the next back and forth while I try to think of why and where...
Why die?  And where did they all go?
The wonderful people I have known , even the celebrities that have touched many lives with their music and talents.
Are they simply on a universe vacation?
Being left behind I am alarmingly aware that I am if perhaps not next but also not truly exempt.
So time comes into play , how much time do I have left? Is that just a lump or is it cancer should I be worried? What if I run a red light driving will it all be over tomorrow? This type of anxiety pops into my brain like hyper elevator music leaving me standing there without a shut off button to press.
If today was the last day of your life what would you be doing? Think about this seriously. Then do it,  or take steps to do it.  Just make it happen. Because people  time flies , the gray on your temples will invade your lovely locks like markers indicating time to get busy.
For me I have to write, I may be outrageously rusty and a teacher's nightmare but my soul is in it. So typo's and forgetting commas will mean nothing when I am dead. But maybe this blog post will inspire someone to believe in their dreams and "go for it". I could say after all because we only live once , but we don't know that either... let's just say we gotta make use of our time. Here is to wishing my beloved family and friends who have passed on just merely poke each other and giggle at every misstep I make for there will be many. I often wonder if I am a comedy show for the deceased... I must be a laugh riot with my escapades. You be one too , give them all something to giggle, smile and shout about. Just be you , not the you that might happen someday  but the you that is entirely of your essence with all the sparkle and neon lights.

Friday, January 27, 2017

I  have wondered what this blog should be about. The PCOS, mail art, the love I have for my cat. I didn't want to whine about my weight or health issues but the world has become so intolerant of people of size I don't think I can stay quiet for long. Consider yourself warned.
 Life is about everything, the ups and downs the ins and outs. What luck are we having good or bad? So this blog will be about it all. The wonderful surprised and the grave disappointments in life.Subjects that may make you think or even become angry. I will make efforts not to be offensive all the while being as honest as I can.
Welcome to my rainbow ride through the gritty glitter of life.