Wednesday, January 31, 2018

This entry is addressed to fat haters who claim to always eat right : These past few years it has become apparent that everyone is on their own trip. We all have our own situations or " stuff" to deal with. So when people assume I don't at least try to eat healthy it infuriates me. Your trip is just different than mine.

Take yesterday for a perfect example I got the salad instead of the soup. Sounds healthy and yummy even, I woke up puking my guts out at about midnight. Then I sort of slapped myself thinking "oh you forgot, what were you thinking..." Because every time I have gone on a low carb or salad friendly diet here I get sick. My slow thinking eventually put two and two together and I stopped eating salads in restaurants and surprise,  surprise the vomiting stopped. I was told it could be sulfites. Who knows.

I am rarely home, always on the go. Eating healthy is hard and they usually replace fat with sugar or salt for "taste". It seems as if you simply can't win. When I go to Sweet Tomatoes it makes me feel really wonky, like a groovy 60's pop song 33rpm record being played on 45rpm. It's supposed to be super healthy but it makes me feel like an acid trip.

I have known people who have reactions to caffeine, shellfish or this food or that spice. We are all different, just because you can live on carrot sticks doesn't mean everybody else can. And it doesn't mean you are exhibiting idyllic behavior, it just means your body is physiologically in tune with it. Something in your system finds it pleasant. Trust me if you hated carrots or got headaches every time you ate one you'd be hitting a burger joint.

 I now eat meat mostly. I can't say I stick to zero carb as I do sneak in mushrooms and an occasional salad when I can't get the protein in. The protein based eating plan keeps me from gaining. I lose slow , we'll see where it goes , but it is going down. Everyone just has to see what works for them. Forget the holier than thou attitudes, jokes, and just being overwhelmed in general. And losing weight or not losing weight it is a personal experience . Be it up , down or simply staying the same it's all in the journey. There is no right or wrong.

 And the best book to understand body types and WHY people gain weight in my opinion is by 
Gary Taubes. .

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