Friday, July 31, 2020

For anyone who doesn't understand PCOS , it is NOT a death sentence. I am not "sick" and going to die any moment. Lately I feel fine except for being tired.
It's an endocrine Disorder/hormonal imbalance. I've had it most of my life and it is not life threatening to me in my opinion. Yes the medical field likes to scare people and much of the information on the the internet is wrong or just trying to sell you something. Follow the fear to the money trail....
It took them over 20 years to diagnose me because of the way they were determining what PCOS was back then. They thought it was cysts on the ovaries that caused it. Nope... the cysts are just another symptom. Like the weight , excess hair, moods , depression etc. It is a huge cluster of side effects some are there all the time some go in and out. but none of them have killed me yet. Most of them are just a rake down my self esteem making me feel less attractive and like every mans nightmare. I feel like a beautiful monster...
Yes there are diseases associated with it as a future possibility which I see as bunk...because seriously as people age toxins build up in the body , the body breaks down and we get disease from all the stress we endured our whole lives. If they want to slap labels and fear let them , has nothing to do with me.
Peri-menopause is causing havoc , that isn't the PCOS and as far as I know NO ONE has died from peri-menopause.
This being said some of the side effects to PCOS can be very painful and limiting with no support and no one that will ever understand. It is a lonely road. So when I get a bad day , it's better to be annoyed than really let it get to me. I am trying to rewire my brain. Be grateful that the stabbing cramps are no longer even though they were replaced with extra weight. I am annoyed to have to pull chin hairs and eat things I hate or skip meals to maintain a high weight when others don't have to. BUT.. I could be in the worst of it, some of the PCOS sufferers really do suffer so much more than I do. I do not have a full beard and massive cramping. I never judge any fellow person with Stein Levanthal Syndrome ( The REAL name of PCOS , and yes men can have it too!).
I am not dying , I am OK.... Just inconvenienced much . My Hypo-active thyroid doesn't help either. But it's life's little adjustments. I am not in pain just inconvenienced with female troubles , but none of it is agony or life taking.
And everyone has their "body stuff" and doesn't mention them... I do for awareness and probably to whine and let it out.. But don't punish me for not looking like a super model. I can't hide this , it shows physically. Please don't punish me over and over for not being what others think I should have been. It's bad enough for me being the modern day Elephant man I don't need people running around saying I am gonna die because I'm fat and all kinda of junk. We are all gonna die since when is not being a size 2 a crime?! I mean a real one, not a social one. Anyone can die at any time , period.
We are here to learn and love and teach and share , and when the end of my road comes and I go "home" that will be it , it isn't about the size of my buttocks or a fibroid...Death is much more divine than the flesh. Miracles happen everyday. What needs to be done will be in a miraculous spiritual way.
It isn't about fitting in and being perfect and filling in all the blanks of what society wants from us.. It is about the time you have together , the mark you make on this world. Because we should ALL be living our lives like the end is coming near and not waste a moment. It's the authenticity and love we give and receive that matters.
Do I want changes in my health? Yes , I (like many) feel a bit limited and cornered in what to do , even though my gym is open I really don't want to risk Covid ( esp with my dad in the house too) to try and lose 20lbs... I can do that in due time (hopefully). I sprained the front of my foot somehow... so instead of going into a rage about feeling locked up and blocked i am just drawing more. I am using the time to enhance my artistic skills and write.
No matter when or what I die of. Disregard any diagnoses and just simply say "She finished her tasks here". It won't be anything but my spirits choice to go home (wherever it is , be it the in the dirt or another realm) , no matter what any doctor slaps on as the "reason" I died. My ending will just be the closure of my book here and the chapters will be completed. That is all and nothing more , it won't be PCOS or the man in the moon. Just my ending.
You are all stuck with me for awhile.. sorry. :P
#PCOS #pcosawareness #spirituality #Steinlevanthalsyndrome #perimenopause

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