Wednesday, January 23, 2019

 This is an important message. The link is from 2017 but the issues I still see every day.  Men DO get body shaming and suffer from eating disorders, perhaps in different ways but it happens. And these brave men standing up against this lousy behavior is NOT promoting an unhealthy lifestyle. No one knows what anyone does for does not do 100% of the time being "fat" does not make for an eating disorder, laziness, stupidity or failing morally.
Being concerned for health is quite often a politically correct veil for some people to hide behind , usually what they really mean is :
" I don't want to see you in a bathing suit and you offend me but I can't just call you a fat *ss or I'll be seen as a mean person... my reputation is at stake so I'll just veil it with seemingly well meaning diet tips". SOME people do care about health , many prefer to simply judge. ( Healthism) 
 There is no way anyone is inside someones body and knows if that person has an Endocrine disorder, Insulin resistance, Sleep apnea, Slow thyroid , Cushings, Candida overgrowth, Severe depression etc. Just because someone is fat does not miraculously make random people on the street diet experts and well educated doctors. And weight /looks aside, men get judged by money they make (or don't) , career choices,  by their height , age , style, the car they drive, how much hair is on their head. Unfair and ridiculous.
 Here is a secret folks... With all the social rules and marketing out there... Most of us are misinformed to the maximum on this. Because even when we think we know what matters , many of us are still affected by the brainwashing of media and popular opinion. Even in romantic relationships looks don't mean squat! Even when we think it's their appearance attracting us it is usually simply themselves, there is that certain something " pulling you in".
Attractiveness is a lovely addition to what you already have and share with someone. If it is the sole reason of an attraction why then it's lust. And lust can be very strong and pass for the real thing.. but it isn't. If you love someone it's their words and vibration that matter, it is their character. The things we can't easily see but always feel . If someone makes you feel this it is a gift. Close your eyes and "feel" what is out there your soulmate might be 100% opposite of anyone you'd ever be "attracted to" on a purely physical basis.
People are not categories. 
 Men don't need to marry a "pretty girl" and women don't need to hook themselves a "rich man" .. Hopefully the world is more evolved now than to spread this belief system any longer. It has already done too much damage. 
 So I say... everyone educate yourselves ... Stiv Bators was right " Truth is the sword of us all" .
Be mindful , educated , respectful and most of all patient and accepting. I am personally not coming from a place of self acceptance. This is a showing of my broken wings as they try to take flight out of the rubble of the word salad staining these feathers.  When I think of some things I gave up because I wasn't "good enough" or "pretty enough"... I am ashamed to have fallen for this belief system. It caused damage , but also NO ONE ever told me this all means nothing.. the looks , the curve of your belly , living on aspirin ( high school days! ) to try and be an acceptable size and therefore have an "acceptable life" is a joke.. No ONE said it's the soul that matters , it is the authenticity in which you live your life. It never occurred to me someone else may not care about any of my body image obsessions... that someone may see me as a person and not body parts. By then the damage was done I had to be perfect and many people reminded me I was not on a daily basis.
There is no money in letting people know it's the soul that matters. No commercial or magazine ever mentioned my soul , as a kid this got by me.
And my heart goes out to these men and all others with these body image and bullying experiences . Men aren't supposed to have body issues according to society. There is a shame on men for not falling into a stereotype ..  Who could these men have turned to?! Women can complain, men can't... or shouldn't in many eyes. Men with these issues must go through a lonliness that wreaks havoc on them.  After all those are "women's issues" . No they are human issues. The world is not as evolved as we think , so much to learn.
I have never had anyone tell me my aura was ugly. Just my physical.
 I know there ARE people out there with deep thinking families that have an EQ.... Yes! They may save us all. But I see too many beliefs that mean NOTHING become EVERYTHING to masses of people and it saddens me. So embrace your partners wrinkles , kiss them , celebrate them as they tell the story of their fabulous life. Squeeze the chubby tummy and crawl up to your bear and snuggle.
 Being emotionally healthy first will help balance any physical ailment, I truly believe this. Love , it's about love and energy and being "real". Not expecting the fantasy to come to life but acknowledging what we already have and seeing the beauty in the cracks, receding hairlines, curvy booties and crooked smiles that spark just the right twinkle when they smile.
 So this is spot on! Celebrate you and tell your story. HUMANIZE all of this. Again: We are not categories for people to accept or judge. We are all souls covered in flesh we all have our journey. Lets have our path teach and bring people together not break and tear down.
Let the mirror be just a reflection not a statement. Even if the judgements out there turn into a childlike curiosity it is such progress. Ask the questions , but refrain to announce to the world someone else;s story. Their shoes are not yours. The fat or the scar on their cheek is their book full of pages of pain and struggle and hopefully joy. But it is their story.
 So the next time someone raises their eyebrow at someone I encourage self reflection. Ask oneself WHY does this really matter , what are the true motives for what is gonna drop out of that mouth?! If it isn't to love , cherish , learn or teach then shut up... and fix oneself before others get broken.
Applause for these men!!!
#BHM #Thick #Bodypositivity #brut #Maleissues #Sizeaccpetance #Weightissues #Selfesteem #selfacceptance #Plussizes #Men #maleinterests #brutcalendar

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