Saturday, March 21, 2020

My heart goes out to all people suffering loss or sickness during this trying time. I have been reading endless opinions on the pandemic. Everything from political agendas to God punishing us. For me it is what it is, facts are facts. But on a spiritual level... let’s say this can be utilized as a wake up call for many us.

 Not in a bad karma way, but in a "time" way. Many of us have "time" back. ( Sending love and respect to any workers and helpers still out there!!!). This time can be dark or bright, or simply a mirroring of what our lives have become.

 I had joked with my father that I was glad we get along so well as this is going to make or break quite a few relationships. Many of us may see the dark side to people in such a close non stop bonding. Some of us will simply notice that the person they are with is all wrong for them.

 Others will grow closer and be amazed at how loving and supportive their mates truly are. In this close proximity we will get the chance to KNOW one another all over again, to get the answers to the questions we have had and never had time to ask because the alarm clock was summoning us. Family can become strained or be a complete joy. I encourage everyone to listen and try to put themselves in one another’s shoes. None of us asked for this, it just “IS”.

 There will be discoveries. Good and bad. We can all sit in separate rooms and avoid one another, or we can have a family night and watch TV with whatever snack we could scrounge up be it mangoes or popcorn and snuggle on the couch. We have CHOICES to be patient, kind and civil. We can make this quality time or fighting time. (Pillow fights are recommended) .

 I met a woman stuck with an abusive man during this. She had no one to turn to, and by spending so much time with him his true colors were no longer sliding under the “I’ll make excuses for him again” door that so many people love to decorate their house of denial with. His faults are no longer vague mishaps swept under the rug of low self esteem. They are sitting on her couch eating the last of her food and calling her names… while texting other women.  

 Why should she have felt so badly?! It was him not her. I offered advice, no one knows if it was taken. But it got me to thinking of the darker side of change. We all have a fear, and ending is a death of sorts and a chapter “closing”. But there is a rebirth with the power of our minds. I told her she has the power. We all do. If something is abusive, or simply bad for us we can change things in our life. We can think outside the box. Not everything can change overnight, and sometimes the trials of life in transition take longer than expected. Or it is like a rotting tooth and the infection has to just be pulled. We can sit in swill or we can plan out lives! In any account where the unkind are "found out", or the last shred of love falls to the floor in a big thud as one realizes it is “over” . Maybe some people will have the awareness it is time to move on due to this learning curve in the future. As the saying goes " There are no mistakes" this time to reflect will bring out who we are if we grow and what we need to change. I don’t think it was a mistake we met. I told her my story… we all have a story. Hopefully she can learn from my mistakes of putting up with too much and save herself the agony. Learning how to let go and not cling while facing a blank note and swimming in self-hatred wasn’t easy but I am still standing.  

 In this time we can rediscover who we are, and be kind to ourselves. Change the record as I say. Turn negative beliefs into positive dreams. Some people have to (simply and bluntly said here) “Get out of their own way”, erase terrible patterns. If something hasn’t worked in 10 years it might be time to re-think things. Many people succeed in life not because they are the “chosen few” but because they don’t suffer from self-induced blockage. They went out in the world and knew what they deserved, and loved themselves and went for it. I am not saying anyone trying will have instant success, everyone has an unfulfilled dream that is life. But we have to TRY and believe in ourselves. We have to say we tried. I see so many beautiful people beaten by others words. Why I hate bullying so much, a simple sentence can become an unhealthy inner dialogue in adulthood causing so much of the “blockage”

 Somewhere, somehow, the memo’s got tainted and many people came to think of it as selfish or some kind of sin to love ourselves. NO! (I am one to talk … trust me, no one is more brutal on me than myself, not saying it is easy, just a necessary path!). We must all love ourselves, have self respect and set boundaries. We can’t let people abuse us just because they think they are erasing it all with an “I love you”, or we feel obligated etc. Words are cheap. Actions speak louder than words. A narcissist always survives, don’t they just move on and commonly feed off of others?!

 In any account where the unkind are "found out", or the last shred of love falls to the floor in a big thud as one realizes it is “over” . Maybe some people will have to move on due to this learning curve in the future. As the saying goes " There are no mistakes" this time to reflect will bring out who we are if we grow. 

 Because to me this is all a spiritual wake up call. We are "learning". We can exercise in nature, we can paint, journal, draw, meditate, write , dance, sing, We can help our neighbors or donate food we do not need. We can be ourselves again on so many levels. Find out who we are artistically as well as get in touch with our own humanity. We can shed the skin of abuse and be amazed at the beauty we have in life and all it has to offer. Open our eyes to what life has been and what it can become. This is our time. We can’t control what is going on out there barring “staying home” and following guidelines on preventative care. But we can benefit from this time in so many ways we can bond, learn, give love, release and let go. Cherish the love we have and the irreplaceable people that make our lives pure joy. We can listen. To ourselves and others.
#pandemic #spirituality #peptalks #writing #blogging #blogger #cynipoeti

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